Are you an avid player of CS:GO, looking for some helpful tips and tricks to improve your gameplay on the Dust 2 map? Look no further! In this article, we will explore various grenade spots and techniques that can give you the upper hand in the game. Whether it's throwing smokes, executing popflashes, or using HE grenades strategically, we've got you covered. So, without further ado, let's dive into the world of CS:GO grenades and elevate your gameplay to the next level.

Xbox Smoke

Oh, Xbox. Everyone desires to eliminate Xbox. Why? Since there's always a bothersome AWP in mid blocking the way to going short. Therefore, here are two alternatives for you.

Pro-tip: Hover over the thumbnail and the video will play.

Smoke for Long Corner

What is the purpose of throwing this smoke? It compels the CT to have to widen their vision to spot double doors on long. This way, even if they get the first kill, the follow-up can catch them through the smoke when they attempt to retreat. Without the smoke, the CT can secure a kill and take cover behind the wall.

Here are my favorite methods, but if you prefer throwing it from T Spawn, head over to Dust2 nades:

Smoking CT Spawn on A Site

Almost there, let's plant A site! Nothing can hinder us now... Oh, wait... You just got eliminated by an AWP while crossing to A-site. You should have smoked CT spawn. It shouldn't be too difficult to improvise this one, but you could be caught with a grenade in your hand.

The Smoke from Mid to B

Rush B!? Rush A!!... Nah... Let's go through mid to B instead. Use this smoke and execute a B split. Optionally, throw the flash to make things a little easier. It perfectly blinds anyone standing behind the door.

Popflash grenade positions

Popflashes are meant to dazzle and disorient the enemy unexpectedly, forcing them into a panic and hopefully giving you the opportunity to wipe them out. A well-placed Popflash can completely change the game, so it's crucial to know all the right positions.

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Popflash for Long A

Valve Corporation / Hidden Path EntertainmentApproach as close as you dare and execute the perfect Popflash towards this spot.

Sometimes causing damage to the enemy is not the most effective strategy when attempting to rush a specific location on the map. Sometimes, all you need to do is blind them and go in for the kill.

This is especially useful when rushing through Long A, particularly due to those constantly annoying doors that everyone peeks through. Here's how to blind the enemy and gain a quick advantage:

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Popflashes are designed to surprise and disorient the enemy, leaving them in a state of panic and ideally allowing you to eliminate them easily. A well-executed Popflash can completely alter the outcome of a game, so it's crucial to know all the appropriate locations.

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Popflash for Long A

Valve Corporation / Hidden Path EntertainmentApproach as close as you dare and execute the perfect Popflash towards this spot.

Sometimes causing damage to the enemy is not the most effective strategy when attempting to rush a specific location on the map. Sometimes, all you need to do is blind them and go in for the kill.

This is especially useful when rushing through Long A, particularly due to those constantly annoying doors that everyone peeks through. Here's how to blind the enemy and gain a quick advantage:

HE grenade positions

HE grenades are some of the most powerful grenades in CS:GO. They deal significant damage and have a large area of effect. However, you only have one, so it's crucial to make each throw count.

HE Grenade for A Short

Valve Corporation / Hidden Path EntertainmentStay hidden and eliminate the enemy with this Dust 2 grenade throw.

HE Grenades can cause significant damage to a team when used correctly and in the right location. Throwing one into A Short is perfect when players are rushing CT spawn or attempting to prevent any Terrorists from approaching A.

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Another reason why this is such an effective grenade spot is the fact that you can hit A Short without being seen, remaining hidden in Under A itself. Here's how to execute it:

  • Go to Under A
  • Stand on top of the boxes in the corner
  • Aim at the left building and perform a left-click toss.
  • HE grenade for B Main

    Valve Corporation / Hidden Path EntertainmentExecute this grenade throw quickly to capitalize on the number of players already there.

    This is primarily a grenade spot for Counter-Terrorists, as it prevents any enemies from rushing B Main at the beginning of the game.

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    It works best when combined with a Molotov, but it can be done with just an HE grenade if you prefer to conserve resources. Here's how to eliminate any B Main rushers:

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  • Go to B doors and look through to B Main
  • (optional) Aim towards B Main and throw a Molotov
  • Aim towards B Main and perform a left-click toss with the HE grenade
  • Rush B with your team and eliminate any remaining enemies
  • HE grenade for Lower Tunnels

    Valve Corporation / Hidden Path EntertainmentAim carefully and clear out the lower tunnels before proceeding.

    Lower Tunnels in Dust 2 are often infested with enemies who prefer to remain hidden and attack unsuspecting players. This makes it a relatively dangerous area to push through unless you have the right tools to clear it out easily.

    A well-placed HE grenade can remove any threats from the location, allowing you to proceed or take control of it yourself. Here's how to do it:

  • Go to the Lower Tunnels, particularly the doors under the streetlight
  • Stand under the streetlight and aim towards the top of the tower ahead
  • Perform a left-click toss towards the top of the tower
  • Eliminate Pit campers

    Valve Corporation / Hidden Path EntertainmentStealth is essential for a grenade spot like this.

    Few aspects of CS:GO are as frustrating as campers, especially when they're hiding in the pit near A Long Doors. They're in the perfect corner and will likely eliminate you before you get a chance to shoot back.

    This is where a well-timed HE grenade comes in handy. It will either eliminate the camper or force them out of their position, giving you the opportunity to attack. Here's how to take out any annoying campers:

  • Go to A Long Doors and stay out of sight from the Pit
  • Aim at the wall if using a grenade or arc it to land near the corner they're in if using a Molotov
  • Throw
  • Those are the top grenade spots for the Dust 2 map in CS:GO. Why not check out our CS:GO hub for more guides and news? Or, in the meantime, try out some of these:

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    Towards A Long

    A long flash lineupStarting from T (terrorist) Spawn, the pathway leading terrorists towards the A Site through an arched gateway is called A Long. Beginners or amateur players often rush towards this position without utilizing grenades. However, at higher skill levels and in professional play, a dry peek will result in immediate punishment.

    Therefore, in order to safely peek at A Long and gain control of some territory from the counter-terrorists, the terrorists must first throw a flashbang while running from T Spawn towards A Long. This not only blinds the enemy, but also prevents your teammates from getting blinded, allowing for a smooth transition while entering A Long.

    Smoking off the CT cross

    Even if terrorists secure control of A Long, they still need to cross CT (counter-terrorist) Spawn in order to reach the A Site. Although it is possible to simply run across, it is highly dangerous. Any player holding the angle from CT Spawn has a broad field of vision and can catch anyone attempting to cross.

    Therefore, in order to safely cross, a player must stand beside the barrels and throw a running smoke as demonstrated in the video.

    New Car Molotov

    Since the revamp of Dust in CS:GO, the new car position has been constantly exploited by players as it provides effective cover where players entering from A Long cannot see them.

    Therefore, clearing out this position is crucial before taking or retaking Bombsite A. The position can be easily cleared by aligning a Molotov or Incendiary Grenade from A Long.

    If the CS:GO player stands on the long barrel and throws a Molotov lined up exactly as shown in the picture below, they can easily engulf the new car position in flames, forcing the hidden player out of cover. The player simply needs to jump and throw the Molotov and let it do its magic.

    New Car Molotov line up

    T Spawn to A Short smoke

    In order for players to cross A Short on the Dust 2 map in CS:GO, they must first smoke off the catwalk to prevent the opposing players from spotting them. To do this, players need to get into the position shown in the picture below.

    T Spawn corner for A Short smoke

    Then, the CS:GO player must line up their crosshair as shown in this picture and perform a jump throw to effectively smoke off the enemy's vision.

    Line up for A Short smoke

    Door smoke

    Line up here to smoke B Door on Dust 2 in CS: GO (Image via Valve)

    Often, the CT side will position a player in the middle section who can quickly rotate to whichever site is being attacked in order to provide assistance. B Door is often within their line of sight, allowing them to prevent any pushes.

    In the upper tunnels near B, players can look at the ceiling after positioning themselves next to the box by the door. Toss a smoke between the small gap in the ceiling, and it will land directly to block the CT player's vision.

    Cross smoke

    Head to this spot for the cross smoke on Dust 2 in CS: GO (Image via Valve)

    This smoke placement is excellent for coordinated pushes. An enemy player or two is likely watching this entry point, ready to shoot anyone who comes into view.

    Pass the long doors and take out the smoke grenade. Aim at the edge of the crosswalk and start running toward Long A. Jump and throw the smoke, then continue moving with plenty of cover.

    Long flash

    Toss a flash over this wall (Image via Valve)

    It's not always about smoke grenades. The flash at A Long is a great way to blind enemies, allowing you to push in and eliminate them without obscuring your vision of the area ahead.

    Head outside A Long and aim at the top of the wall above the car. Jump and throw the flash, then rush through the doors to catch any enemies caught off guard by the flashbang.

    Car frag/Molotov

    Pop a Molotov or frag over the Salon to clear New Car on Dust 2 in CS: GO (Image via Valve)

    The new car position has become a popular camping spot since the revamp of Dust 2 in CS: GO. It offers cover that players entering from A Long cannot see through.

    Therefore, clearing out this position is crucial before taking or retaking Bombsite A. It can easily be cleared by lining up a Molotov or frag grenade from A Long.

    If the CS: GO player stands on the long barrel and throws a Molotov lined up exactly as shown in the picture below, they can easily set fire to the area around the new car, forcing the hidden player out of cover. The player just needs to jump and throw the Molotov and let it work its magic.

    New Car Molotov line up

    Middle: Box Smoke for Catwalk/A-Short

    Provided by John Carlo Vijuan

    Provided by John Carlo Vijuan

  • Position yourself in the corner of the building at T-spawn (as shown in the photo).
  • Aim at the small shadow on the wall that forms a 90-degree angle with the shadow of the rooftop shed.
  • Perform a jump throw with your Smoke Grenade. Your grenade should land on top of the box in mid.
  • This smoke is effective when supporting teammates who want to push A-Short/Catwalk. Furthermore, it prevents AWP players from peeking through A-Short and also obstructs enemies in the lower tunnel.

    Middle: CT Spawn Smoke

    Provided by John Carlo Vijuan

    Provided by John Carlo Vijuan

  • Position yourself at the corner of the box in mid. Be cautious in this position as you are exposed to the Lower Tunnel.
  • Aim at the small patch on the wall (as shown in the picture).
  • Perform a regular grenade throw; the smoke grenade should land perfectly on CT Spawn.
  • Performing this smoke is easy yet crucial if you want to push from Mid to the B-site. It effectively blocks AWP players on the other side. It also allows you to set up a crossfire for anyone heading towards B-site while you defend.

    Upper Tunnels: B-Site Double Door Smoke

    Provided by John Carlo Vijuan

    Provided by John Carlo Vijuan

  • Position yourself at the Upper Tunnel and align yourself with the middle of the chest.
  • Walk up to the chest and aim up.
  • You will see a bunch of planks with an opening.
  • Aim at the corner of the plank that is perpendicular to the pillar, adjusting your aim a few pixels above that corner.
  • Throw your smoke grenade, and it will land perfectly on B-Site's Double Doors.
  • This smoke is easy to execute yet provides numerous benefits. First, it effectively reduces the crossfire spots when entering B-Site from the tunnels. Second, it easily prevents pushes from Mid to B-site's double doors. Lastly, when defending B-site, your team can easily set up a crossfire since enemies will most likely push through the window.

    Middle: B-Site Tunnel Flashbang

    Provided by John Carlo Vijuan

    Mid to tunnel doors retake smoke spot CSGO Dust 2

    Provided by John Carlo Vijuan

  • As you exit the tunnel area, run and aim at the wall to the left.
  • The flashbang will bounce off the wall and blind everyone at the B-site.
  • This flashbang is easy to perform and doesn't require much practice. If you decide to use it, it will blind almost every player on the B-site except for your teammates rushing with you from the Tunnel Doors. Communicate with your teammates and ensure that no one is at the back site of B, as this lineup won't blind that area.

    In conclusion, mastering the art of throwing grenades and utilizing smoke and flashbang spots can greatly enhance your gameplay on Dust 2 in CS:GO. Whether it's executing strategic smokes to gain an advantage or blinding your opponents with well-placed flashbangs, these techniques can turn the tides of a match. So, take the time to practice these grenade spots, experiment with different strategies, and outplay your opponents on one of the most iconic maps in Counter-Strike history. Good luck and happy gaming!